Help Nepal, Donate

Help Nepal,
Your donation is more than welcome!

Support our foundation by becoming a donor. This is possible by periodical or single transfer on our bank account:

Bank account (ING):
   IBAN: NL57INGB0006973973
On account of: Rumahedi Foundation Nepal
Swift-adres or BIC: INGBNL2A

All little bits help. For €19.00, a child receives a new school uniform, a writing block and a pen so that this child can go to school. For only €2.00 someone gets 5 kg of rice, 1 kg of lentils and 1 kg of salt.
The Board of Rumahedi Foundation Nepal does not receive compensation for his or her activities. Board members waive declarations, airline tickets and are financed by the board members themselves. This means that all the money donated by you is spent on the planned projects in Nepal. All goods, products and specialised work required for the projects are involved locally so that the knife cuts on two sides.

For more information see: ANBI status


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