Medical aid

Rudra Tamang has asked Rumahedi to help him to organize a free medical care day in his parental village Jhangajhiti.

The village has no medical supply and a doctor or nursing care are not at hand. Medical treatments are done only by a shaman. Who has some money travels to a hospital in Kathmandu, others hope to recover without any help from the outside, with all the expected consequences.

On April 18 2015 13 doctors of Peoples Dental College & Hospital from Kathmandu provided free medical health care in the village. Three doctors, five dentists, a gynaecologist, an orthopaedic en three doctors in training have treated over 200 people.
Volunteersfrom the Netherlands and Nepal helped that day with the organization, provided education and handed out toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap and towels.
We received advice and support on this first day of aid from the Karma Thalo Foundation which is experienced in providing medical care in Nepal.

Tooth care for the first time

By organizing, if possible, two medical care days each year, we hope to improve the health and hygiene  of the population.

The second medical care day was planned in October 2015 but could not continue due to the fuel crisis in the country. It was not possible for the doctors and dentists to come to the village.

The next medical care day is planned in March 2016.
Estimated budget € 1500,-


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