Large and small donations are received by friends, acquaintances and strangers who held actions among families, friends , neighbors and colleagues.
We have income from flea markets, workshop proceeds , gifts of marriage and birthday parties, bonuses We received collections and gifts from agencies and companies. Children have collected stuffed animals, made drawings turned over Money boxes.
There are also sponsor activities organized, see the examples below. We hope they inspire you to organize one yourself.
Get into action also!!!
Organise a sponsoring action to the benefit of the project of RFN. It’s not only valuable, but also fun to do. Organising and or participating sponsoring actions for example leads to new contacts. It binds people together over very large distances and that can benefit to the society as a whole.
Without wanting to do someone too short, here are some examples of actions that have been held:
The climbing action for Nepal , organized on May 10, 2015 by Klimcentrum Yellow Stone.
Hofwebwinkel held in May 2015 weeks of actions among its customer base.
The Voortgezette Gereformeerde Kerk Assen held a special collection in May 2015 for Rumahedi.
Martine en Egbert Veldhuizen organized a sponsor run on Utrechtse Heuvelrug.
Jessica van der Ende of Be Senze organized a yoga festival in Naaldwijk on September 27, 2015.